With time, my blog continues to change focus because I continue to change focus.
And yet, not really.
Ultimately, I simply write about my life. My attempts to categorize or constrain my words into one box or another have resulted in a blog collection that seems to have no unifying theme. I am not a food blogger or a pet blogger or a nature blogger. I am a “life” blogger and I have no desire to alter that.
In 2018, I pursued a nature blog that would follow outdoor life in Surfside Beach, Tx. That blog had fits and starts as I wrote about real-life disruptions on my main blog. Here and there, real life and outdoor life seemed to mesh so well that those disruptions became nature blog entries.
I realized with my more recent beach blog entries that I simply can’t separate the two. My love of and approach to nature is as integral to who I am as are my pets, my relationships with other humans, my writing philosophy, and my coping with grief and depression.
Now my life has shifted yet again. This new direction is, simply put, all directions. I have stated here that I have purchased a travel trailer and will be traveling the country. Currently, I’ve made little progress outside of Texas for various reasons, but my intent remains to see as much of the country as time, weather, and money will allow.
As part of this journey, I am looking for me.
My second husband spoke often about marriage as, “two becoming one.” I didn’t see a problem with this until much later in the marriage when I sensed but didn’t fully recognize my near-complete effacement. I’ve written about this here and in bits and pieces throughout my blog.
In finding myself, which is quite a process, I have returned to the name I used in high school. I have been detached from the nickname my ex gave me since my divorce (the name that titled this blog originally) and my given first name has become an epithet. I am most comfortable with the simple moniker, “Lee.” It is my name and it is a family name, and it was me in many respects more than any name I have ever otherwise used in my life. The teen who was Lee was excited about her future, believed in herself, believed in her talent, and loved people and the world as a whole. The me of the last thirty-nine years (two marriages, two divorces) only had brief glimpses of that girl. The me of today, the Lee-me, sitting here in a travel trailer in central Texas, alone but not lonely, can see all of that girl again but for some gray hairs and extra “fluff.”
Like the volcanic columns that leapt into view a few days ago in the Davis Mountains, the view of Lee-me brings me joy and gentle tears.
My ex once groused that I had changed. He saw my recent growth as a rebellion like that of a child. In truth, I changed early in our marriage to accommodate his needs and my desire to be the “good wife.” I supplanted myself with a version of the self he expected and I believed he needed. I didn’t change in the last years of our marriage. I changed back. I had returned to the woman I was when he met me: strong, resilient, independent, and outgoing.
I am furthering that return to me today. I grow stronger, more resilient, more independent, more outgoing, healthier, and happier than I was even thirty years ago.
To that end, my blogs will be changing structure and names in the coming weeks. Most notably, “KC” is being killed off and you will see the name “Lee” in the URL. That’s me. In fact, that’s truly me.
I am happy to focus, if not on a blog theme, at least on being wholly me again—integral me. Integral Lee.

Last Updated on February 15, 2023 by Lee Ellis
We applaud this new “IntegraLee” re-awakening! So glad to hear you’re once again moving in a positive direction, and clearly enjoying your ‘new’ life—with Betty and Blanche and Sammy, of course. Best wishes, happy trails, onward and upward!
Thank you, Pete. Always appreciate your support.
One step forward and two back some days but today was good. Lots of writing time and a really good talk with a fellow writer who set me straight on doing what’s best for me in my work and not worrying about what others think.