In the past six months or so I’ve done a good bit of coloring. I’ve found time for Hardanger embroidery.…
The Great Imagery Hunt or Walk 1.8 miles in my Brooks Trainers.
In the search for the ultimate imagery for our work, writers dredge up memory and metaphor that surprise and thrill…
Feed(back) Starvation or Finding a tool to fix a writing problem: Community.
There’s a phenomenon in fountain pen mechanics called feed starvation. Fountain pens work on the principal of capillary action (or…
Help! I Need More Conflict.
In my book, not my life. The Book takes shape. Each writing day (most days) I work on some part…
Fun with paper samples from Rhodia Drive
Recently, Rhodia Drive gave me the opportunity to play with papers by Clairefontaine and G. Lalo, two French stationers whose…
Getting Unstuck: Colorful Distraction
So, how do you get past those little stuck moments?
Ghosts, Dead Heroes, and Subatomic Particles: A Short Essay on Inspiration.
I’ve been grieving since Monday, August 11. In this time, I’ve written and rewritten a short-short ghost story, but the…