Today I fell out of my kayak—intentionally. On this day in 2022, I went for a swim in a lake…
Climbing Mountains: Standing up to Fear
I climbed a mountain. Ok, not literally. Literally, I climbed a gravel path lined with cactus and creosote, punctuated with…
Ether Or: Dark to Light Ruminating
Once more in electronic darkness and I am thinking of capricious time. How quickly the last six months have passed…
Shadowlands: Recognizing Abandonment Trauma
I am once again in a river valley shadowland. Sunlight filters in barely; Internet, not at all. Rather than being…
The Unsubscribe Button is a Delusion: Survival & Concession as a Single Woman of a Certain Age
I’ve been contained in a valley of Wi-Fi, 5G, and visible spectrum shadows for five days. I can walk a…
Night Shift: The Anxiety of Staying Put
Last night, the world was silent, still, and dark in the state park I camped in with Sammy, Blanche, and…
Busyhead: Anxiety as a symptom of grief
My head is full of bees. Thoughts hum constantly and without direction. Grief has been the strangest animal for me.…